Light Your Spark Session


Bypass Burnout, Bring Back Meaning, and
Rediscover Your Internal Energy Source.


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Are you burning out?

Do you find yourself moving at an intense pace and can’t quite slow down?
You’re doing everything right, but things just keep going wrong?
You feel less inspired everyday even though you know you love your work?

You may be on the way to burnout.

It’s not too late…

The symptoms of burnout do NOT mean that you have to quit your work, sell your possessions and become a Zen monk (unless that’s what lights you up).

Burnout happens when we lose our connection to the MEANING behind the work that we do.

Bring back the meaning, and you reconnect to your own internal source of energy.

Light Your Spark Session with Tracy Martin

This is a 45 minute intutive session that will help you reconnect to the meaning in your work and choose the most powerful path forward.

You can…

Find or rediscover work you LOVE.

Jump up each day with fuel in the tank, and inspiration to spare.

Uncover your joy, and let laughter back in to your life.

Book your FREE Re-light Your Spark Session.

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